Why aren’t we all equally skilled when it comes to doing handicrafts? It’s something that has always caught my attention, since being clumsy is not something that anyone likes too much, and I guess we all try to do our best.

You see that kind of difference especially when it comes to using the tools, there are many people who are really skilled and can do anything they want and many others who seem that hammers and screwdrivers are new tools for them. Because it is one thing to know how to use a screwdriver, which is the abc of the ñapas and quite another to have to use a drill that is already something else.

Another of the things in which there is a lot of difference between people when doing manual jobs there are those who with very little can do something great and other people with more resources do not have the same luck. An acquaintance of mine who is an amateur seamstress made some curtains for other friends with recycled fabrics and a little shirring tape that they put in her house and they look very good. Of course, it was difficult for us to find a manufacturer of shirring tape to be able to buy it at a better price than in a haberdashery.

Luckily I have always been good at handicrafts but many of my friends cannot say the same. On one occasion we had arranged to make some costumes for the carnivals and we only had to line some boxes with some papers, something that in theory sounds quite easy, nope. Apparently in my gang I am the only one who knows how to line a box because the rest have shown me that they have no idea how it should be done. Although it is also true that not all crafts are good for me but at least I am defending myself and many cannot say that. But many times what I lack is a little push to try to learn more things related to manual jobs.